Starting December 27, 2024, a special collaboration between the TV anime A Story About Attending a Mixer with No Women and Sanrio Characters will kick off with a limited-time pop-up store at Shinjuku Marui Annex! This event will offer adorable exclusive goods featuring collaboration illustrations, and an online shop will also be available for fans who can’t make it in person. Don’t miss this chance to grab your favorite items!
Event Details
- Event Period
December 27, 2024 (Fri) – January 13, 2025 (Mon, Holiday) - Venue
Shinjuku Marui Annex - Address
3-1-26 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022
- Event Period
January 24, 2025 (Fri) – February 2, 2025 (Sun) - Venue
Namba Marui - Address
3-8-9 Namba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture 542-0076
- Event Period
March 21, 2025 (Fri) – March 30, 2025 (Sun) - Venue
Hakata Marui - Address
9-1 Hakataeki Chuo-gai, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture 812-0012
Online Store
- Order Period
February 10, 2025 (Mon) – February 28, 2025 (Fri) - Website
Sanrio Anime Store
For more details, please check the official website or X (formerly Twitter).
Product Lineup
- Acrylic Stand (9 types)
Price: ¥1,320 (tax included) - Blind Can Badges (9 types)
Price: ¥660 (tax included)
Note: Badge types are distributed randomly and cannot be selected. - Mug Cup (1 type)
Price: ¥2,420 (tax included) - Die-Cut Stickers (9 types)
Price: ¥550 (tax included) - Blind Name Cards (9 types)
Price: ¥550 (tax included)
Note: Name card types are distributed randomly and cannot be selected. - Flat Pouch (1 type)
Price: ¥1,760 (tax included) - Hand Towels (3 types)
Price: ¥880 (tax included) - Blind Acrylic Keychains (9 types)
Price: ¥770 (tax included)
Note: Keychain types are distributed randomly and cannot be selected.
Special Purchase Bonus
During the event, customers who spend ¥3,000 or more (tax included) at the venue will receive a random coaster (9 types) as a bonus.
Example: Spend ¥6,000 to receive two random coasters.
Important Notes:
- Bonus coasters are distributed randomly and cannot be selected.
- The bonus is only available at physical stores and will not be included with online purchases.
- Limited quantities are available, so the campaign will end when stock runs out.
Important Information
- Product designs, prices, and availability may change without notice.
- Blind box items will not be sold as complete sets (BOX sales unavailable).
- All goods are limited in quantity and may sell out.
This exciting collaboration between A Story About Attending a Mixer with No Women and Sanrio Characters brings a lineup of charming and exclusive goods to the pop-up stores in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grab these adorable items and enjoy the special purchase bonuses. Fans unable to visit the stores can also shop online during the designated period.
For the latest updates and details, visit the official website or follow the event’s X account.
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