WIT STUDIO, the animation studio behind Seasons 1–3 of the globally acclaimed anime Attack on Titan, has unveiled an exciting lineup of new goods featuring newly illustrated designs. Alongside these, previously published artbooks will also be re-released. This article will provide all the details on the pre-order schedule and the special fair offering exclusive perks!
Details of the New Goods Pre-order
Starting December 3, 2024, at 6:00 PM JST, fans can pre-order these exciting new items on WIT STUDIO’s official online store, WIT STORE. The new lineup includes the “Re:lighting” series, which reimagines iconic scenes from the anime with vibrant new colors. Additionally, fans will enjoy fresh illustrations of Eren, Levi, and Erwin under the theme of “Declaration of War.”
These high-quality designs were drawn by animator Emi Tomita and overseen by Kyoji Asano, character designer and chief animation director for Attack on Titan Seasons 1–3.
Full Lineup of Available Items
Attack on Titan Re:lighting Trading Badges
8 designs
Single: ¥550 (incl. tax) / Box set: ¥4,400 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Levi Birthday Trading Badges
8 designs
Single: ¥550 (incl. tax) / Box set: ¥4,400 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Re:lighting Acrylic Blocks
4 designs
Each: ¥1,760 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Re:lighting Clear Card Sets (2 per set)
4 designs
Each: ¥880 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Newly Illustrated Acrylic Stands
3 designs
Each: ¥1,980 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Newly Illustrated Acrylic Dioramas
3 designs
Each: ¥3,300 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Newly Illustrated Can Badge Set
1 set
¥1,650 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Newly Illustrated Tapestry
1 design
¥3,300 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Newly Illustrated Trading Clear Cards
6 designs
Single: ¥440 (incl. tax) / Box set: ¥2,640 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Season 2 Animation Artbook
¥3,300 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Season 3 Animation Artbook Vol. 1
¥3,300 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan Season 3 Animation Artbook Vol. 2
¥3,300 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan ODM Gear Line Art Collection by Yuki Imai Vol. 1
¥4,180 (incl. tax)
Attack on Titan ODM Gear Line Art Collection by Yuki Imai Vol. 2
¥4,180 (incl. tax)
Kyoji Asano’s Collection of Key Animation Edits for Attack on Titan
¥2,750 (incl. tax)
Exclusive Perks with the Winter Fair ’24
During the same period, WIT STORE will also host the “WIT STUDIO Winter Fair ’24.” For every ¥2,000 spent on Attack on Titan goods, customers will receive a randomly selected illustration card (8 designs in total).
Important Notes for the Fair
- Illustration cards are distributed at random and cannot be selected.
- Supplies are limited and available only while stocks last.
- The images provided are for reference and may differ from the final product.
This pre-order event and winter fair provide an amazing opportunity for fans to collect merchandise featuring their favorite characters. Check the official online store for more details and stock availability.
For the latest updates and further information, please visit the official website or X (formerly Twitter).
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